Sunday, May 2, 2010

I love it

This morning we slept in, which felt so good. We usually wake up promptly at 7:30 for church and leave here at 8:45 but this morning at 5am when my head was pounding like nothing I've ever felt before, I decided to sleep in and miss church. Something I already regreat doing. Why? Because I always feel so guilty missing church. I feel like I'm not setting a good example for my children. Anyways, we got up at about 9:30, I showered, and Steph made breakfast. Then we decided, who knows why, that we would watch Rocky. And when it was over, we decided we would watch Rocky 2, and before I knew it, we had watched all 5 Rockys'. Which brings me to my random fact for the day. In case any of you didn't already know this. I love to fight. Isn't that horrible? I do. Of course, I wouldn't just walk up and pick a fight with someone but let me tell you, I sure wouldn't back down if someone challenged me. I know now that I'm a bit older and a lot heavier I would probably get my butt kicked but I'd still love it. I also know that it's not a Christlike thing to do and no lady who wants to be called a lady should ever do it which is why I haven't gotten into a fight in quite a few years. Would still talk the trash though. A horrible thing I know. But none-the-less, a random fact you didn't know about me before.


Anonymous said...

Great to know. Now if anyone picks on me I can come get you! Always good to have a friend not afraid to watch my back.

Bonnie said...

LOL...I just discovered a whole new side of you Julie!;-)

Jenifer said...

I am taking your challenge but missed the first day.

Thanks for inspiring me to start blogging again.

Tiffani said...

hahaha! I just thought that was the mama bear coming out in you! Didn't know you liked it ;)