Monday, May 11, 2009

my life

Thursday - mom got here
Friday- Hubby left (for way too long)
Saturday - football all morning, swimming all afternoon
Sunday - ER all day, dinner with mom, dogs got out and had to chase them down the street
Monday - Aunt got here and will be staying with me for the next week...we have a language barrier...she no speaka da English and I no speaka da Spanish...this should be fun!!
Tomorrow - mom leaves
Hope to be back in the blogging world after she's gone...see you then!!


Varney Family said...

ER all day? What happened - we went that night for Weston...

Janalee said...

well hurry up, we're waiting..

Paula Blank said...

Lol! That makes me happy that I'm not the only one that it happens too! I'm learning though, but mostly medical stuff...I don't know what I'm going to do without Maria at work with me!