Sunday, August 30, 2009

2 best friends

Today at work I was craving popcorn ALL DAY. I go thru these spurts when I just REALLY, REALLY, want it and this week I've been in one of those spurts. You see, we have one of those old fashioned air poppers and it really does make THE BEST popcorn. Of course, after I make popcorn, my kids always want to be my best friend...until the bowls empty. Then they could care less about me or what I'm eating. So after work today, I came home and popped me a BIG, FAT, bowl of air popped popcorn with real butter drizzled on top. As all the chitlins gathered around, I realized how I kinda miss them when I'm gone. The way they all have to tell me something really important right when someone else starts talking...yeah...I totally miss them and their eagerness to chat with me. As I popped open my can of Coke and poured it in my glass the following conversation occurred:
Jarom - mama, can I have a drink?
Me - what?! You want some of my Coke?! Are you crazy?!
Jarom - Pleeeeeaaaassseee!! I'll be your best friend.
Me - you'll be my best friend?! Well then of course you can have some.
2 or 3 minutes go by
Jarom - Mom, can I have 2 drinks of your soda? I'll be TWO best friends (raising his eyebrows and smiling ever so intently at me)!
And then I realized how much I REALLY miss them when I'm gone.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Cracked me up!!

So, as most of you know, I am a facebooker too. I love it. Have found so many old friends and many people have found me. It's always fun to find someone after so many years and see whats new in their lives and vice versa. Thank goodness I've never gotten any negative comments written about me because let me tell you...back in the day, I had my moments!! But the following came awfully close!! By no means did I take offense or was I bothered by just CRACKED ME UP!! In case you have a hard time following, let me give you a brief scenario. An old friend (i think) looked me up and apparently found me. This is the correspondence that we have had thus far.
copied and pasted from Facebook
Hi Julie. Its Patty, remember me. Farb Middle School. Just curious if you do remember and what you been up to. Im not sure if we were good friends. I know we were on and off, but i just dont remember. Hope your life has been good. You still look the same.

August 16 at 1:46pm
Hi Patricia!! I do remember you!! And you look just the same too!! We were good friends in 7th grade and then I moved. But I think we were good friends. I remember hanging out with you ALOT. How have you been? Where do you live now? Kids? How many? I want to hear all about you. I live in Phoenix now, married with 5 kids. for the full detail of my life you should visit my blog...I write in there always!! Anyways, I can't wait to hear from you. Julie

Hi, julie, nice to hear from you. I just got facebook, i was trying to locate heidi, which i did about 5yrs ago, but she moved and lost all her info, so we lost touch for years, til now. i found her name by accident. Im doing ok, in live in Northern california. i have 2kids. 13 and 16yrs. My husbands name is Sid, my 13yr old is Corbin, and my 16yr old is Vanessa, she's graduating high school this year. Very stressful and scary. The picture of me in my profile, is my daughter. I do remember you moved, to be honest with you, i felt happy, because you werent very nice sometimes(only sometimes) But we were kids. I did however wonder about you afterwards. we did used to hang out alot, and when we did, it was great. we just had a lot of influences by other people. Being a young kid is hard and its the best at the same time. im glad you did write back, i cant believe you have five kids. they are all very cute. Hope your parents are doing well, how are your brothers? email me back soon. i liked your blog, im not very good with them, and thats a matter of fact that i have a degree in computers...go figure!!!! Patty

Is that not the funniest thing?! She told me!! Guess I was a brat after all. So sorry Patty!! I swear I'm really nice now. I think all of my blogging friends will agree.
Just thought I'd share.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

for the birds

I straighten my hair every morning.
I put on makeup every day.
I am sooo tired!
My feet hurt really bad (spoken like Napolean Dynamite)!
I have to dress up.
I can't wear flip flops!
I wear the same thing every day (black or white shirt and black or khaki pants).
I miss volleyball practice some mornings.
I miss scouts some afternoons.
This working stuff is for the birds and it's waaaaaaayyyy overrated!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Little Red Tomato

I don't sew. I don't quilt. I don't do anything with material. Heck, I don't even hem! But when I saw the little red tomato pictured above I just HAD to have it!! You see, I had a GREAT childhood. My parents loved me and my daddy spoiled me. All I had to do was bat my eyes at daddy and he'd buy me the world. And though I loved that and soaked it all in, daddy could only buy me the world. But mom...well, she could MAKE me the world! She was and still is an excellent seamstress. I remember, so well, many nights, seeing mom at the table, cutting her pattern, then pinning it on the fabric and cutting the fabric. And then to watch that paper and material work together to make some beautiful creation that made me feel like a princess was just awesome!! Dress after dress, I'd watch her sew. And right there next to her, like a faithful companion, always sat her red tomato FULL of pins. As she'd pull the pins off of whatever fabric she was sewing, I would poke them back into the tomato for her. I can't remember watching her sew without it. Then one day it was gone...and she moved on to some magnetic dish and like an old doll, or a treasured photo, the tomato was just a memory. And then one day, walking thru Wal-Mart, hanging on a wall in the craft department, my childhood came back to me. And for a $1.97 I could take it I did.
That's a heck of deal for a lifetime worth of memories wouldn't you say?

Monday, August 3, 2009

The worst day of my life!

My son Jared, who's 9 years old, often tells me he's bored. If his little buddies aren't home or simply can't come out and play he pouts and with much attitude says "This is the worst day of my life!!" I was talking to Tate's mother recently and she commented on how Tate says that same thing. If he calls our house and Jared can't play it is "the worst day of his life!" Or if he isn't allowed to play something it's "the worst day of his life!!". I figure it must be a 9 year old thing and they'll get over it. Today I took my baby girl to bookstore days at the JR HIGH!! Yeah, that's right, I said JR HIGH!! Isn't that horrible? I mean, this is my only daughter!! She was supposed to stay 2 or 3 forever!! When did she grow up? And furthermore, how do I stop this?! We got her schedule, PE clothes, etc... And when we walked out of there and she handed me her student ID, it hit me that my baby girl was my baby no more. And I knew exactly what Jared and Tate mean...This is the worst day of my life!!