Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Another facebook funny

Okay, so here's what I posted on Facebook Sunday: had to work today...it sucked. I'm really bummed because I heard I missed some big changes at church today. And just so you all know, I love my enrichment calling...please no changes!! Please!!
To which someone commented back: I was there and didn't notice any big changes. Was I sleeping or something? ;o)
Now normally this wouldn't be funny but maybe this will help you understand why it is: you didn't notice anything because I'm not in your ward anymore...I haven't been for almost a year...silly!!
Her final reply: No way! Boy, am I observant or what!??? :o) I have been to busy for my own good. Well, I wish you the best! :o)

Gee, I feel loved!! This explains why no one's called to say they miss me...they haven't even noticed I'm gone!!


spice2116 said...

how could people not miss you :p you were the one in the halls talking to everyone and anyone because you didnt want to go to class lol

Eric and Breanna Graham said...

I saw that, and was totally cracking up!!! Love it.

Janalee said...

oh my poor little JuliePants. We weren't even in your ward and know you were gone and miss you being near.

Unknown said...

Well believe me, there are WAY more people who knew you were gone the moment you left! Things just haven't been the same since - so sad for us.

Chandra said...

YOU MOVED? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...truely a lol!!! So whose been eating all those cookies I left? jk Trust me, YOU HAVE BEEN MISSED!!! Our fam still talks about your fam being in our top 3 "saddest to see move" families. We love you guys!

Janika said...

This gets a facebook thumbs up.