Every year I swear to myself that I will not sign my kids up for baseball again. The baseball season doesn't end until June so as you can imagine, living in Phoenix, it is quite hot out by this time. By hot, I don't mean, a little warm (where rolling down the windows might help). I mean, HOT, like what the rest of world experiences in August. So, every year, as I leave the last game of the season, drenched in sweat and feeling like I just sat in a sauna for 3 hours, I swear that I will never intentionally do this to myself again. I just have this addiction, that most women don't have, to the sport of baseball. I love it!! It makes me happy!! Especially when the team I am rooting for is winning...and it makes me even happier when my children are on this team. But even when my team is losing, as long as they put up a good fight, I enjoy it!! 
So the new season is here...tomorrow is opening day!! And yes, I signed them up again...signups are in January and February...you know, when we have forgotten all about last years heat!! The crisp, cool winter months warped my thinking and I signed em up!!...what was I thinkin?!?! Well, tomorrow is opening day...and I can't wait. There is nothing better than a good game of baseball (or softball). Plaaayyy Ball!!!