Okay, I was tagged a while back but just never replied (thanks Jodi). I didn't really have anything that just had to be in my blog tonight though so I thought I would fulfill my tagging duties...So here it goes...
1. Milk really grosses me out...it is so thick it just grosses me out. I do like it with anything sweet though...so when I choose to drink it I have to have it with ice...no ice = no milk.
2. regardless of how the rest of my house may look...my pantry has to be organized...All cans are organized into groups (ie..soups, fruits, tomato based products, etc..label facing the front), on the next shelf you have all of your boxes (grouped the same way), next shelf, bagged products (ie..sugar, pasta, flour, rice, etc...)
3. I love the smell of vitamins!!
4. I cannot stand dirty feet...black feet gross me out...and this includes my own (like when I wear black flip flops and they turn my feet black)...I am constantly cleaning my feet with baby wipes when I wear things that turn my feet black.
5. I tend to smell babies heads...Babies must smell clean at all times...by clean I mean they must smell like baby lotion or shampoo...if they do not smell clean, I feel the urge to bathe the child, whether the child be mine or not...just ask my sister in law!!
6. I am not afraid of many things but I am deathly afraid of bugs!! Any bug!! I don't know why...sometimes I think I need therapy for this fear...I need to overcome it. But until I do, please forgive me if I may freak out at your house when I see a bug. And Please, Please, Please!!...do not play a joke on me with bugs...I really am scared of them...they make me cry!!
7. On the flip side, I am not afraid of people. And if they tick me off I tend to say exactly how I feel and get myself into trouble...however, I have never gotten myself into anything I can't handle. My mouth is a weakness I am working on...some may call it a strength, but for me it is a weakness as I know I need to learn how to control my anger for my childrens sake...after all, I am their example.