As I said in the last post, I didn't have to think twice about which song I would pick for each kid. And anyone who knew me in 1996 knows that I saw "Toy Story" a
minimum of 4 times a day!! This was Justins favorite movie!! He was 2 and a half at the time and knew that movie like the back of his hand. He idolized Woody!! Woody truly was Justins first hero. He had a lifesized Woody pillow, a woody doll, a Buzz Lightyear (or 2), a Mr Potato Head, the dinosaur, a ton of little soldiers, etc. So when we weren't watching the movie we were watching Justin make his own movie...Toy Story was his Life!! In the beginning we thought it was the cutest thing in the world...but after the 500th time of watching that movie it gets a little old. One thing that never got old though, was this song...I have always loved it and it brings back some great memories of that time in Justins life. And anyone who knows Justin now, knows that this song really does describe him. He is kind, loving, loyal and a great friend!! So this ones to you Justin!! We love you and will always cherish those memories of you.
Toy Story is by far Daniel's favorite movie too. He is absolutely mesmerized while watching it. Is this a good sign that he will have Justin's personality. One can only hope! Miss you!
LOve this movie.... I can't count how many times we've watched it.
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