Seven times a year, we celebrate a birthday in our home. Today was Justins. Fourteen long years ago, I gave birth to this 10 pound 10 ounce monster.

He chose homemade hamburgers for dinner. Yes, he's truly a Wright, we love our meat! Well, most of us. Steph is a vegetarian and has been now for almost 3 months.

But that's another story for another time. Anyways, in our home, when it is your birthday, you choose the dinner menu and you don't have to do any chores on that day. Josh thought we were kidding when we said he had to do dishes...

he wasn't smiling that big after dinner!!
Afterwards we have cake and ice cream and if this is the year for a party (we only do them every other year) then they have their big party with friends on the weekend. Unfortunately for Justin, football is still in session...

which kind of gets in the way of parties so he will have to wait a while for his party. We decided that when the season is over we'll just invite some of his teammates over and have a Guitar Hero Party. He was cool with that. So anyways, as is tradition in our home, Jarom sampled the cake (thinking he was being sneaky).

Everyone licked the candles

and most importantly...everyone loved the cake!!

even uncle Scott came from Cali...and loved the cake!!

Oh...and Justin was happy to be the center of attention.

Happy Birthday Justin!! We love you...hippy hair and all!!