Wednesday, October 15, 2008

confessions of a "fall floozy"

It's that time of year here in Arizona. You know, when we can come out of hiding and enjoy the beautiful weather. It's been like this for a couple of weeks now. I have been trying to take my kids for a walk every day this week as they are going stir crazy here not knowing anyone in the neighborhood yet.
Although I have been happily married (for the most part) for what seems like forever, I notice that every year right around this time, I let my eyes wonder. I mean, it's getting cooler out and I would say that about 25% of the neighborhood has a cute guy out there doing their yardly duties. I swear these wives put them out there just to call attention to know, "look at me ladies!! I've got the stud of the neighborhood!! I've got the one every woman wants!!" I swear, the nerve of some of these women!!
I try not to let the kids see me looking as I would hate for them to think their mommy is a "fall floozy" but I just can't help it. I always comment to them how cute these yard men are and how I wish daddy would dress like that. So today, I put my own yard guy out there for all of the other women to covet. What do you think? You know you want him!!


Alli H. said...

Very handsome guy you have there! Can he come and do my yard? I have some weeds he can bend over and pull up for me. Woo, woo!!!! HA, HA, HA

Or maybe not. His stuffing might not be able to handle it!Or maybe it's mine that wouldn't be able to. Ha, ha.

Have a happy Spooky day kiddo.

Aimee & Josh Jensen said...

i still can't belive you movd and didn't say goodbye!!!

Bianca said...

All we got here are old men doing ward work in their jammies. Such a turn off.

Anonymous said...

Well, you must have a better neighborhood now, cuz I don't recall many of those cuties here in your "old discarded" neighborhood.

spice2116 said...

lol he needs a little more in the bicep area :p