Monday, July 7, 2008

We Will Rock You

My kids LOVE music!!! Sometimes, we all just sit here and listen to music on the computer while doing our chores...we sing and dance and just have fun...and they all have their favorites. We play all types of songs: old school, country, rock and roll, wierd Al, we play it all. On Sunday, my hubby asked "what song would you pick for each of our kids and why? You can only pick one...then blog about it". I thought this was a pretty cool little idea for my blog and I could immediately name a song for each of them except Jared. For one reason or another, a song pops into my head for each of them with no hesitation. I decided I would start with Jarom. I am not kidding, since he was about 9 months he has done (or tried to do) 2 the guitar and skateboard. It is so cute...he lays on his belly on the skateboard in between Josh's legs and they skate at full speed down the street..he holds on for dear life while laughing histerically. It is actually quite cute!! Some of you have seen this I'm sure. And Jarom swears he can play the guitar...whether it be acoustic or guitar hero...he loves the guitar!!! He loves all Music!! He always dances to it and when the guitar kicks in on any song he honestly plays the air guitar. Well, We Will Rock You has always been his favorite!! He knows exactly what to do on it...he hits his lap twice and then claps...over and over again while saying "we will wock you" and right when the guitar kicks in he jams out on his air guitar!! It is the cutest thing ever!! So this is what I have deemed to be Jaroms song. Stay tuned...for tomorrow, we hear about Justin.

1 comment:

mother of seven said...

good idea!!!!
Hey Kyler sounds a lot like Jarom. Kyler tries to get Keigan's guitar all the time. I bought him one (I am reminded a kids one...It's not real)

He also loves to skateboard. We were at a soccer game and he had to bring his board. He spent the whole time skating down a huge hill. Scared most the parents!!! He was 4 at the time!!!

These rebel kids!!!!