So I was going thru some pics on my computer this evening and decided that I have given birth to one of THE CUTEST kids in the world!!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
What a twirp!!
So, If I live in Arizona, am I allowed to complain about the weather? Because I am freakin' FREEZING!! I swear it was just 80 degrees a couple of days ago...I woke up this morning and it was 39 degrees. What is this world coming to?!
In other news, Josh came over tonight. Our conversation was as follows...
Mom, I sold my camera.
Ummm, excuse me?!! You did not just say what I think you said!!
I sold my camera...I don't know why you're getting mad. You didn't buy it for me.
I don't care if I bought it for you or not!! Why in the heck would you sell a camera that you paid X amount of dollars for?!
I needed the money...I'm poor. But I brought you this (as he pulls out a lens that I've really been wanting AND a flash).
Alright, you're forgiven.
Not 10 minutes later we begin talking about his wedding.
Don't you just love Julia mom?
Yes son, I do. She's great. I just hope you guys aren't making a mistake getting married this young.
Mom, you know I've always tried to grow up faster than I should.
Exactly!! But this time, there's no turning back son...just make sure it is what you really want.
It is mom...I've loved Julia for years. And I don't care what anyone says..we ARE getting married!!
In other news, Josh came over tonight. Our conversation was as follows...
Mom, I sold my camera.
Ummm, excuse me?!! You did not just say what I think you said!!
I sold my camera...I don't know why you're getting mad. You didn't buy it for me.
I don't care if I bought it for you or not!! Why in the heck would you sell a camera that you paid X amount of dollars for?!
I needed the money...I'm poor. But I brought you this (as he pulls out a lens that I've really been wanting AND a flash).
Alright, you're forgiven.
Not 10 minutes later we begin talking about his wedding.
Don't you just love Julia mom?
Yes son, I do. She's great. I just hope you guys aren't making a mistake getting married this young.
Mom, you know I've always tried to grow up faster than I should.
Exactly!! But this time, there's no turning back son...just make sure it is what you really want.
It is mom...I've loved Julia for years. And I don't care what anyone says..we ARE getting married!!
What a twirp!! You'd think I'd know by now that he's going to do what HE wants to do!!
Man, I love that kid!!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Pizza at the Wrights
Afterwards, my brother Mark stopped by and brought me some goodies from Texas. Oh, how I love getting goodies!!
Then Josh and Julia stopped by...I love them!! They are both just so cute!! But if they make me a grandma in the next 2 years, I may have to hurt them...married or not!! I am too young to be called granny!!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Phlebotomy class and Preparation H
Phlebotomy class is over...I made it!!
In 8 days, this arm was poked 19 times!!
yes, there is a little bruising but it could be ALOT worse. We were told on the first day to go out and buy some Preparation H. The instructor said that it helps with the healing process and your bruising, if any, would be minimal. She advised us that we HAD to rub it on every day after we were done with our draws for the day and that if we did, our arms, would be alot less bruised than if we didn't use it. Unlike most of the people in my class I bought it. And as instructed, I rubbed it on EVERY day. And I do have to say that my arms look so much better than others in my class who chose not to use it. Yes, there is little bruising but there were some people in my class whose arms had golf ball size bruises. So for future reference, if you are a bruiser, next time you have your blood drawn, rub some preparation H on it when you get'll work!! Sounds silly I know but after 19 draws, 16 of them being in the same vein, same spot...I'm a believer
yes, there is a little bruising but it could be ALOT worse. We were told on the first day to go out and buy some Preparation H. The instructor said that it helps with the healing process and your bruising, if any, would be minimal. She advised us that we HAD to rub it on every day after we were done with our draws for the day and that if we did, our arms, would be alot less bruised than if we didn't use it. Unlike most of the people in my class I bought it. And as instructed, I rubbed it on EVERY day. And I do have to say that my arms look so much better than others in my class who chose not to use it. Yes, there is little bruising but there were some people in my class whose arms had golf ball size bruises. So for future reference, if you are a bruiser, next time you have your blood drawn, rub some preparation H on it when you get'll work!! Sounds silly I know but after 19 draws, 16 of them being in the same vein, same spot...I'm a believer
Sunday, January 18, 2009
14+ years ago I went to Nursing School. It was just for my LVN but I figured I would take a step up program to RN and be done. Well, a marriage and 5 kids later, here I am with no Nursing degree. I only had 3 months to go but decided love was more important. I got married and moved to Phoenix. I told myself over and over that I would go back but never did. Now here we are jobless and broke as a joke and I kick myself everyday. OH, the mistakes we make when we're young!! And it's is SO blinding!!
Well, back then, when it was time to learn injections, I freaked out!! I hate needles!! I don't mind giving shots at all, it's getting them that bothers me. I was soon calmed when I was told that we did not have to practice on eachother. We could if we wanted but since most of us didn't want to we practiced on Oranges. Whew!! What a relief that was. When we did our clinicals I learned that it was a breeze giving shots and I could do it all day. Injecting a human is just as easy as oranges! Actually, easier.
Anyways, my dear hubby and I decided that I need to get back in the medical field. For the most part, regardless of the economy, most medical workers still have a job. I chose to start with a phlebotomy course. I figure that I can get a job doing that and hopefully after getting some experience under my belt I can get hired on with the hospital and have them pay for my nursing school. We weren't sure how I would do seeing how my fear of needles has not gone away. Do you think you can do it? he asked. Of course, I said. As I've always said, I don't mind poking, I just don't like getting poked! But phlebotomy is about taking others blood, not giving it right? So, I did it!! Well, guess what? We practice on eachother!! From day 1!! Yep, I have to entrust these veins to a bunch of unexperienced freaks...some who have never held a needle at all. Over the 2 week course, I will be poked a minimum of 25 times!! That, of course, is if no one misses. If they miss my poor little fragile vein, they keep trying until they hit it. And yes, someone has already missed on me!! Is that insane or what? Phleboto-who?? Apparently, phleboto-ME!!
Well, back then, when it was time to learn injections, I freaked out!! I hate needles!! I don't mind giving shots at all, it's getting them that bothers me. I was soon calmed when I was told that we did not have to practice on eachother. We could if we wanted but since most of us didn't want to we practiced on Oranges. Whew!! What a relief that was. When we did our clinicals I learned that it was a breeze giving shots and I could do it all day. Injecting a human is just as easy as oranges! Actually, easier.
Anyways, my dear hubby and I decided that I need to get back in the medical field. For the most part, regardless of the economy, most medical workers still have a job. I chose to start with a phlebotomy course. I figure that I can get a job doing that and hopefully after getting some experience under my belt I can get hired on with the hospital and have them pay for my nursing school. We weren't sure how I would do seeing how my fear of needles has not gone away. Do you think you can do it? he asked. Of course, I said. As I've always said, I don't mind poking, I just don't like getting poked! But phlebotomy is about taking others blood, not giving it right? So, I did it!! Well, guess what? We practice on eachother!! From day 1!! Yep, I have to entrust these veins to a bunch of unexperienced freaks...some who have never held a needle at all. Over the 2 week course, I will be poked a minimum of 25 times!! That, of course, is if no one misses. If they miss my poor little fragile vein, they keep trying until they hit it. And yes, someone has already missed on me!! Is that insane or what? Phleboto-who?? Apparently, phleboto-ME!!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Self portraits are for the birds!!
I know!! I know!! You can't handle such beauty!! So for now, we'll play it safe and just let Justin take the pics.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
bloghopping, snoring, and Flo's
I'm sitting up in bed right now bloghopping. I think I know way too much about some people and not enough about others. Every Sunday I walk into church, look around, and say to myself that poor, clueless person right there has no idea that I know all about their lives. I feel guilty sometimes...These people have no clue who I am yet I know what they did last night or who they were with. Am I a stalker? I'd like to think not...just well informed.
As I sit here, my main squeeze and his father are sleeping soundly next to me. With each breath, they fall into a little bit deeper of a sleep. Along with this deepness, comes the loudness of their snores. They're almost in if planned. As I sit thru this torture I wonder how many other women out there have this great pleasure...Not 1 but 2 snorers. And you wonder why I'm up at this hour!!
We went out to eat tonight with some friends from the old hood. We went to a place called Flo's in Scottsdale. It is a Chinese place and the food was actually very good. They have these very unhappy men that work there though. Their only job is to walk around and pour water into your glasses. We found that everytime they filled our glasses and we would thank them they just looked at us as if they wanted to smack us and then just walk off. It was quite comical! It had nothing to do with their culture I know because they were as Mexican as I and us Mexicanos just don't do that. We are a warm, loving culture!! Whatever the case, they were not happy!!
As I sit here, my main squeeze and his father are sleeping soundly next to me. With each breath, they fall into a little bit deeper of a sleep. Along with this deepness, comes the loudness of their snores. They're almost in if planned. As I sit thru this torture I wonder how many other women out there have this great pleasure...Not 1 but 2 snorers. And you wonder why I'm up at this hour!!
We went out to eat tonight with some friends from the old hood. We went to a place called Flo's in Scottsdale. It is a Chinese place and the food was actually very good. They have these very unhappy men that work there though. Their only job is to walk around and pour water into your glasses. We found that everytime they filled our glasses and we would thank them they just looked at us as if they wanted to smack us and then just walk off. It was quite comical! It had nothing to do with their culture I know because they were as Mexican as I and us Mexicanos just don't do that. We are a warm, loving culture!! Whatever the case, they were not happy!!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
off to a slow start
Seems all my blogger buddies are off to a slow start with their blogs this year!! I haven't seen a new post from most of you in a few days. I, too, am guilty of this so, no, I am not trying to make you feel guilty. Just know that I miss you guys.
So, I heard tonight on the news that according to Forbes, Mesa is the 3rd most boring city in the NATION! Can you believe that? How dare they? Chandler and Gilbert also made the list. They did say, however, that they rank you based on the amount of air time you get in the News so I guess being boring is good!! I'll take our boring town anyday.

So there you have it. My past few days in a few short sentences. What have you been up to?
So, I heard tonight on the news that according to Forbes, Mesa is the 3rd most boring city in the NATION! Can you believe that? How dare they? Chandler and Gilbert also made the list. They did say, however, that they rank you based on the amount of air time you get in the News so I guess being boring is good!! I'll take our boring town anyday.
I am currently reading a book titled "the shack". My mom left it for me. She made me promise to read it and said that it is a great example of forgiveness. So, being the obedient daughter that I am, I started reading it on Sunday. It is a great book! I highly recommend it.
I made some thank you cards today. Tell me what you think.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Just thought I would let you guys know that I have my Vinyl machine up and running. If anyone would like anything please let me know. I have lots of colors to choose from and can do almost any font that you want. 
email me at with any requests.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Martha is your friend!!
I have to admit that I've never really been a big fan of Martha Stewart. Even before her sentencing I never paid much attention to her. She is very talented yes, but I could never really stand the way she talked. Anyways, on Thanksgiving I was desperately searching for a dinner roll recipe and remembered Bianca had recently bragged about one of her recipes so I visited her website ( Oh my gosh, they were the best rolls!! I've since been back to look up a few other recipes. She doesn't have everything on there but she does have a good variety. Anyways, tonight I made the BEST banana bread ever!!...courtesy of...Martha herself!! I have a pretty good recipe that I've used for years but it calls for milk and oil...Martha's called for butter instead of oil and sour cream, no milk...I wasn't sure about the sour cream at first but I have to admit...I loved it!! This was absolutely the softest, moistest (is that a word?) banana bread I have ever had. Next time your looking for a recipe I highly recommend Martha...she is your friend!!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
I went to Target today. I love Target. My mother told me that Febreze makes a plug in now and that they smell really good so I went to smell them. While there I noticed that Febreze also makes a candle and their Christmas scents just happened to be on clearance. They were normally $6, on clearance for $2.98 and I had a $2 off coupon making them 98 cents each. I got 5 since I had 5 of the $2 off coupons. They smell awesome!! I love a great deal!!
We made Tamales yesterday for New Years Eve. This has been a tradition of ours for years now. We always make tamales for New Years instead of Christmas. My Dobson Ward friends love them. This is the first year they won't get them. I only had 3 people to give them to here in my new hood which means for more for us!! I love Tamales.
Justin busted out the new Kitchen Aid and made a batch of Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies tonight while the rest of the gang watched a movie. They were awesome!!
I have a feeling that if we're not careful that Kitchen Aid will be very dangerous to our aspiring healthy, slender physiques. Speaking of physiques, I lost 24 pounds from July to the end of December. I am hoping to keep going this year. We'll see though. I'm not crossing my fingers. Happy New Years!!
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