Alright, for those of you that don't already know, I was fortunate enough to marry the man of my dreams. By this I mean, he is charming, funny, good looking, a great provider for me and my kids, never complains about me or my bad habits ie..shopping, going out to lunch w/ friends all of the time, etc. I do have to say though, that the man of my dreams was not a plumber!! the man of my dreams was anything but a plumber!! When I signed on the dotted line, he did not tell me that we would own our own business and I would have to take the "crappy" calls. Here is a little tip for you guys...when you call a plumbing company, the poor girl answering the phone does NOT need a visual. You don't have to call and tell her what is in the toilet or what it looks like, you simply have to say that your toilet is stopped up. You don't have to tell the poor girl on the phone that your garbage disposal isn't working and your sink has stuff in it that looks and smells like vomit!! Simply say that it won't drain. She doesn't need to hear about the sanitary products your wife or teenage daughter are using and flushing down the toilet, she doesn't care about where the hair came from in the shower, she doesn't care what you had for dinner last night and what her plumber might see in your toilet, really, SHE DOESN'T CARE!! Just tell her you need a plumber and she will get him there. Alright, now that we have that clear, onto the next topic. The logo above is what one sees when looking in the phone book. This is also what one sees on all of our vehicles and t-shirts. What I am trying to say here is that you never see our logo without the plumbing part of it. You can only find us in the phone book under plumbers, water heaters, and plumbing contractors. Now with this being said, why would one assume that we are dog breeders? Or better yet, dog groomers? Do you know how many calls I have gotten asking if we sell bulldogs? Do any plumbers sell bulldogs? I dont think so!! I mean, just because Bulldogs is the name does not mean we sell them! Why would someone searching for a dog look under plumbers in the phone book anyways? Lastly, why would someone call Bulldogs Plumbing and ask "are you guys plumbers?" C'mon people!!...one doesn't have it all over their cars and clothes to pretend they're plumbers. I mean, who dresses up like a plumber just for fun?... Heeeere's your sign!!