Saturday, January 10, 2009

bloghopping, snoring, and Flo's

I'm sitting up in bed right now bloghopping. I think I know way too much about some people and not enough about others. Every Sunday I walk into church, look around, and say to myself that poor, clueless person right there has no idea that I know all about their lives. I feel guilty sometimes...These people have no clue who I am yet I know what they did last night or who they were with. Am I a stalker? I'd like to think not...just well informed.
As I sit here, my main squeeze and his father are sleeping soundly next to me. With each breath, they fall into a little bit deeper of a sleep. Along with this deepness, comes the loudness of their snores. They're almost in if planned. As I sit thru this torture I wonder how many other women out there have this great pleasure...Not 1 but 2 snorers. And you wonder why I'm up at this hour!!
We went out to eat tonight with some friends from the old hood. We went to a place called Flo's in Scottsdale. It is a Chinese place and the food was actually very good. They have these very unhappy men that work there though. Their only job is to walk around and pour water into your glasses. We found that everytime they filled our glasses and we would thank them they just looked at us as if they wanted to smack us and then just walk off. It was quite comical! It had nothing to do with their culture I know because they were as Mexican as I and us Mexicanos just don't do that. We are a warm, loving culture!! Whatever the case, they were not happy!!


mother of seven said...

Julie!!!! That is so funny . Frank Snores also. I wake him up every night to tell him to roll over!!!

I need you to call me. Forgot to put your number in my phone.I'm sure I have it but the house is a bit messy right now:)

Jolene said...

I am a fan of Flos too! Now I want some Mu Shoo Pork!!

I only have one snorer at my house and she is seven! Poor girl, I'm sure she needs her toncils out - they practically touch - but she never gets sick so our Pediatrician wants to wait. Devon used to snore - but got his toncils out when he was in first grade and doesn't snore (or get sick) anymore.

Varney Family said...

So funny. We usually end up with someone in our bed by the end of the night - I make Landon put them back in bed though :) Hope you get sleep tonight. Sounds like we need to go to Flo's - I love Chinese food. MMMMMMMMM hungry!

Anonymous said...

i hope that no one feels sorry for you about the snoring seeing how if you would actually try to go to sleep and cut back on the coke you might find yourself among the mightiest of all the snorers. so go to bed!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous ;)