Let's just say you had a 14 year old freshman football player and he had seminary in the middle of the day. And then, let's just say you got an email from his seminary teacher saying that he wasn't there on Friday, October 9, which was, in fact, a half day. So you called the seminary teacher and said "are you sure he wasn't there? Maybe he walked in late because I know he was at school that day". And they said "no, we're pretty sure he wasn't here". So when this 14 year old gets home from school, you ask him about the incident and he says "no mom, I was there..we sang hymn 19 and took a scripture mastery quiz". All the while sounding oh so convincing. So you say "well, I'll just call him tomorrow and make sure you turned that quiz in and that he has a grade for you and then he'll know you were there". So you both agree that that's a good way to prove he was in class and go on about your night. Later in the evening, the family sits down for scripture study and before we begin, you read them the words to a hymn...one of your favorites actually..."
did you think to pray?" Oh, how praying rests the weary!! Prayer will change the night to day. So when life gets dark and dreary, Don't forget to pray.
Then you send them to bed and remind them to say their personal prayers. Let's just say about 10 minutes later, that same 14 year old kid comes down, sits next to you, and says Mom, can I talk to you? Of course you say yes, because, how often does a 14 year old want to talk to Mom, right? And he proceeds to tell you that he did in fact miss seminary that day. Because his little football friends (all freshman) wanted to see what it would be like to be swept and what a better day than a half day to try it because then they would only be in there for 20 - 25 minutes (roughly). Of course,
he didn't want to do it but he let himself fall to peer pressure (
yeah, right!). You tell him how falling to peer pressure is a sign of weakness and that he is a leader, then you tell him that you are proud of him for telling the truth and ask him if it feels better to have that weight off of his shoulders now that he doesn't have to worry about being caught or having to lie anymore...to which he smiles and shyly chuckles and says "yeeeesssss!! Mom stop!! You're making me laugh!" (Because you say things in a silly way so that you can see him smile). And then you tell him that he's still your superstar and you will advise him of his consequence tomorrow and send him to bed but not before making him tell his father the truth too.
let's just say that was the situation...what consequence would you give?
being swept - when you are late for class, and have been locked out, security sweeps up all of the students in the halls and takes them to some classroom where they sit and do nothing..no talking. (because we all know that's a lot more productive then letting them in to class a little late and to actually learn something and just giving them a tardy!!)