Saturday, May 8, 2010


Steph and I have been growing some tomatoes this year...along with some cilantro and some habanero peppers. We've never planted anything edible before. Every year I do a garden but it is a floral garden. So this has been new to us and to be honest, we have done no research. We just brought it home, watered it and loved it. We noticed some green, grape sized growths on our tomato plant recently...lo and behold, a few days later, they started turning red. How happy were we!! SOOOO happy.So happy, Stephs eyes began to look like little tomatoes to me.
random fact..I love tomatoes!! Especially little ones that I can just pop right into my mouth!

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

Thanks for the inspiration;-) I need to do something more than flowers too! They look delicious;-)