Well, let me start by saying I am so glad I could amuse every one of you with my attraction to gravity!! I got so many calls and emails about the last post I thought I would get all the issues out on the table now...so that we are all on the same page!!
1st - Beauty is Pain!! Of course I will continue to shave!!
2nd -This is a non-fictional blog!! Every fall you read about really happened to me.
3rd - I know we have enough kids, No you can't have my next, and yes, if I am pregnant I will be praying for a girl...Steve has taken up praying now though...to ensure that I am not pregnant!!
4th - Thanks Dad and Linda for your comments about my writing abilities...I think I got it from all the Ann Landers and Dear Abby I read as a child.
AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST!! - this is for all you peeps out in Harlingen, Texas....Peril is not a bird!! According to the dictionary...
PERIL means:
1. grave risk; jeopardy; danger
2. something that causes or may cause injury, loss, or destruction. –verb (used with object)
3. to expose to danger; imperil; risk.
Chi Wa Was!! (thats the gringa way)
And just so you all know, I really don't think I am pregnant!! I wont lie though, the fall has me a little worried.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
Okay, I have to admit that I have taken a few falls in my adult life. I fell out of the car when I was pregnant with my son Justin. I fell in the middle of an argument with Steve when I was pregnant with Steph. I fell twice when I was pregnant with Jared...once running from a mouse and once running to one of my kids who I thought was being chased by a swarm of bees!! I was running with a cup in my hand and in the middle of my sprint to her (don't ask me what I was thinking) I decided it would be best to put my cup down. So without even slowing down I bent over in the middle of my run and placed the cup on the ground, I then proceeded to topple over onto my belly and lie there until I quit seeing stars and until I was done laughing at myself. Not only was I laughing at myself but everyone there was laughing. Not one of them, including my hubby, got up to help me due to the fact that they were all on the ground themselves rolling around in histerics. Then I fell down the stairs at my kids school when I was pregnant with Jarom...this is how I found out I was pregnant actually. So, as you can see I tend to fall when pregnant. I also tend to crave things that never sounded remotely good at any other time in my life. So last week I was at Frys and a 2 liter of Apple soda kept calling my name...Julie!!...Julie!! Now, I have never had apple soda in my life but last week it just called me until I could no longer resist and I bought it. I immediately thought to myself "I never crave things, what is up with this?". But then I remembered that I have an IUD and it is merely impossible to get pregnant with it...whew!! I'm safe!! Well, yesterday while shaving my legs in a shower that I have long known is a peril in my home, I fell!! Now this was no gentle fall. You see, I have nowhere to prop my leg while shaving it so I have to kick it up in front of me and prop my leg up on the wall while shaving..I knew the day would come where I would fall flat on my face. And that day was yesterday...one foot on the ground one foot on the wall...the foot on the ground slipped further and further until I fell and looked as though I were a cheerleader in the splits position. I couldn't hold this position long as I have never been able to do the splits anyways, so I then rolled to my side, hurt my arm and hit my big toe on who knows what!! I, of course, laughed, then listened to see if anyone was running up to see what had happened..they weren't, then laughed again. I AM FEELING IT NOW!! Why is it that you are never sore until the next day? But more importantly, what does this mean? We'll see in a few weeks...
Sunday, January 27, 2008
My friend Michelle called tonight and told me that President Hinckley passed away. I was both surprised and saddened as this was so unexpected. For those of you who do not know who he is, he was the president of our church. He was such a great and wonderful man who knew exactly what we (lds church) needed and would benefit from. Not only did he look out for our church but for every race and religion out there. He was filled with words of wisdom and whenever he spoke those words the whole world would listen. I was baptized in 1999 so he is the only President I knew and in the few years I have been a member of the church he has accomplished so much and his words have greatly influenced me. We have a record # of Temples today and over 13 million members due to his great love of temples and missionary work. What a sad day this is for us but what a beautiful day this must be for his sweet wife who has been waiting for him. Goodbye President Hinckley...we love you.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Where's all the money?
So my daughter has a school project due Monday. She is to do a timeline listing 1 memorable thing for every year she has been alive. Along with that, she needs a penny from each of those years. We found all of the pennies with no problem EXCEPT for 2008. I called all of my friends and no one could find one...I then went to Safeway where the customer service manager had all of the cashiers looking and no luck there either. I thought I might have better luck just asking people in the parking lot of Safeway, everyone was very friendly and willing to check their pockets and purses, but still, no luck! So before quitting and going home we went to Circle K and they checked both registers only to send me off empty handed. I'm beginning to think that Mrs Coking (my daughters teacher) chose the wrong time of year to do this project!! I wonder if they are even in circulation yet...and, if so, then where is all the money??
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Who I Am
~My favorite breakfast is toast with Peanut Butter and Jelly with a glass of milk on the rocks.
~I love talking and getting to know people. People's life stories interest me.
~I love all music as long as it is in good taste and I can play it around my kids.
~I love dancing...I'm not that good at it but I still love it...and ironically my husband and I have only danced together 1 time. THAT IS JUST CRAZY!!
~I was raised by a United States Marine (marine brat) but my hubby says I talk like a sailor.
~I have 2 brothers - Ray and Mark
~I am one of the few whose biological parents are still married...thats where I get my loyalty from.
~My favorite color is red.
~My favorite holiday is Christmas.
~I love the beach!! I was practically raised on the Pacific...I don't go enough though.
~Driving long distances makes me happy...makes my parents nervous but makes me happy.
~My grandmas...one is 96 and still going strong and the other is not very good at English and I am not very good at Spanish which makes for some funny conversations.
~I never had a grandpa...they were gone before I was even born.
~American Idol, Y&R, Forensic Files, Nancy Grace, and Cops...just a few of my favorite shows
~My life is an open book...if you want to know just ask...There isn't much that I won't tell.
Until Next time...Ciao!!
~I love talking and getting to know people. People's life stories interest me.
~I love all music as long as it is in good taste and I can play it around my kids.
~I love dancing...I'm not that good at it but I still love it...and ironically my husband and I have only danced together 1 time. THAT IS JUST CRAZY!!
~I was raised by a United States Marine (marine brat) but my hubby says I talk like a sailor.
~I have 2 brothers - Ray and Mark
~I am one of the few whose biological parents are still married...thats where I get my loyalty from.
~My favorite color is red.
~My favorite holiday is Christmas.
~I love the beach!! I was practically raised on the Pacific...I don't go enough though.
~Driving long distances makes me happy...makes my parents nervous but makes me happy.
~My grandmas...one is 96 and still going strong and the other is not very good at English and I am not very good at Spanish which makes for some funny conversations.
~I never had a grandpa...they were gone before I was even born.
~American Idol, Y&R, Forensic Files, Nancy Grace, and Cops...just a few of my favorite shows
~My life is an open book...if you want to know just ask...There isn't much that I won't tell.
Until Next time...Ciao!!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
The Big Night!!
My daughter went to the Hanna Montana concert tonight. It was all she could talk about all weekend. To be quite honest, I am so glad it is over...I have heard about this concert 8 million times a day since her Uncle Will gave her the ticket for Christmas. She was so excited!! I have never seen her more excited about anything. She and my mom went shopping for her outfit and matching jewelry a couple days after Christmas. Aunt Leslie took her and her cousins Calvin and McKenna. Leslie said it was an awesome concert and that Hanna Montana is a great performer. Anyways, glad it's over...
In other Wright family news, we went to San Diego this weekend for my hubbys birthday. It was totally spur of the moment...Saturday morning we got up and decided to go. He rode his Harley out there and me and the kids followed in the van. Steve is really sad though because he had to leave his bike there. The weather was supposed to be bad and I didn't want him to risk it so he left it. Which is fine by me because I wouldn't mind another trip out there. And now, this guarantees it!! If I can't live there I may as well visit as much as I can.
Thats all for tonight..c-ya
Thursday, January 17, 2008
A long time ago (back in 1997), my sister in law and I got into a huge fight over her dog and my child. She felt my 3 year old was being a little too rough with her pride and joy otherwise known as Ruppert. I don't really remember what started it all. I just remember how angry we both got over the fact that the other was saying something bad about our babies (yes, Ruppert was her baby). I remember she told me that if my baby touched her dog again she would BEAT him and I kindly informed her that I would KILL her precious dog if she touched my baby. Oh, the good ol days, huh Mindee? Anyways, I remember when it was all over I told her that until she had kids of her own she would never know the love one feels for their child. I told her when someone threatens your kids or their safety, you see RED!! Now, since I am not an animal person, I find it hard to understand how anyone can treat their animals as one of their children. I do, however, understand that everyone needs something in their life that can bring them joy and make them smile and for some, this joy is an animal. Anyways, Mindee later had kids and I remember her once telling me how in love she was with her son. How she never thought she could feel that way for a kid until she had one. I have felt that way several times in my life. I look at all of them at different times and think...I AM IN LOVE WITH THAT CHILD!! He/she is so beautiful!! My baby has been sick for the past couple of days and has been very clingy to me and as I was holding him earlier, every perfection about him was noticed. Those chubby little fingers on that chunky arm...his square, flat feet, his belly that sticks out like Santa's, his little lips perfectly shaped and pink as a rose, his little thighs that scream out "squeeze me please", his pudgy little nose, his dark brown eyes and that blonde hair. This truly is a love no one can understand until they are a parent themselves. It is a love that, regardless of how bratty or mouthy they become, never ends.
Now there are some that will stick with animals and never experience this love of children but as for me, I'll take this motherhood thing over anything else.
And as for Ruppert...he's long gone!!
Now there are some that will stick with animals and never experience this love of children but as for me, I'll take this motherhood thing over anything else.
And as for Ruppert...he's long gone!!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
American Idol
So tonight was the season premiere for American Idol and anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE AMERICAN IDOL!! I don't watch much TV but I do watch my AI...I didn't care much for it until season 4 and then I got really into it. This was the Bo/Carrie Season and although I was rooting for Bo I just love Carrie Underwood. So I recorded AI and while hubby was out playing basketball tonight the kids and I cuddled up in my bed and watched it. There are some major freaks in this world!! Yes, my in-laws are some of them but, whew, the people you see on that show crack me up. Anyways, I can't wait for the season to begin. I already have my favorite from tonight. She is from Mesa, Az-never seen a rated R movie, never drank or smoke, hmmmm...wonder what religion she is??? Anyways, off to bed I go, to cuddle up with my hubby this time...Ciao!!*&#$%
Monday, January 14, 2008
Mothers Letter
My mother wrote me the nicest and sweetest letter today...it really touched me and I thought I would share it with you. There's some wonderful advice in it. ENJOY!!
Dear Daugther:
In reading your blog I went through many of my own memories of years past. I have felt the feelings that you felt that day in the COSTCO parking lot. I have had many COSTCO parking lot moments. Someday I will put them in writing for you. As the years go by and your children leave one by one you will know what Im talking about. Thats why its important to make every moment count and live your life to the fullest with your family. There will come a time when you will have to survive on memories, so continue to make them good. May God continue to bless you all and give you many happy years to enjoy your babies.
I Love You
Dear Daugther:
In reading your blog I went through many of my own memories of years past. I have felt the feelings that you felt that day in the COSTCO parking lot. I have had many COSTCO parking lot moments. Someday I will put them in writing for you. As the years go by and your children leave one by one you will know what Im talking about. Thats why its important to make every moment count and live your life to the fullest with your family. There will come a time when you will have to survive on memories, so continue to make them good. May God continue to bless you all and give you many happy years to enjoy your babies.
I Love You
Thursday, January 10, 2008
"Dads in Drag"
So my daughter Steph LOVES Hannah Montana!! This is an understatement. We have every one of her shows recorded, she has her CD's, She knows every song by heart. Her favorite color is Yellow because that is Hannah Montana's favorite color. She has a wig and swears she looks like Hannah Montana when she puts it on...you get the picture...she is OBSESSED!! Well, a local radio station here is holding a contest...Its called "Dads in Drag" Dads have to dress up like Hannah Montana and send their pic in to the show...winner gets 4 tickets to the concert. Now, she already has a ticket that her Uncle Will bought her for Christmas but she figure that if we can win some then she can take me (and I totally wouldn't mind going). Sooooo, first we asked Steve (her daddy, my hubby). Without hesitation it was NO!! No way will he be caught dead dressed like that (little does he know we already have a pic of him with the wig on from one of our parties). So then we called Uncle Will, who is much like her daddy and much to our surprise he said he would do it, his daughters got a wig...DONE!! Then we figured the more uncles we have the more of a chance we have to win so we called Uncle Toma, DONE!!! Then we call Uncle Mark...for those of you who don't know, Mark is my brother, we have the same blood running through our veins and we will do anything for anybody...(and for a little attention) so that was a no brainer...DONE!! Now, I haven't read all of the details of this contest but if grandparents can do it..aww forget it, they won't!! Anyways, the whole reason for writing all of this is because the one guy who we already know looks good in a Hannah Montana wig won't do it...Take a look at the pic and tell me he wouldn't win!! HE'S A NATURAL!!! 
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Isn't She Beautiful
For some reason I got up this morning and thought...You need to take pictures today...you haven't done it in a while. So I put the camera in the car and went on with my day. I got some really good shots of various things. This picture has to be one of my favorites though. There are tons of leaves right now at the church all over the place and since I love the look of fall (I know it's Winter but we live in Phoenix) I thought I would get some pics of the kids in the leaves. I have some good ones of them throwing leaves at each other and up in the air but I just love the sweetness in this pic. She is growing up so fast!! Soon she won't want to play in the leaves or ride around with mama so I am enjoying it while I can. Isn't she beautiful?

Tuesday, January 8, 2008
America's got talent!!
I had to go get my nephew Calvin at school today. His eye was a little pink and they didn't want him there (personally, I think he just wanted to see me so he poked himself in eye). While driving to his school, which is in Maricopa (30 minute drive), I started thinking about when I was younger and use to hang out in my room listening to music. I would play it as loud as my mother would allow and sing and dance (while looking at myself in the mirror) until I just couldn't do it anymore!! I remember doing this alot to Tiffany's I think we're alone now or to Salt N Pepper's Push It. I just knew that one day everyone would want my autograph and I would be a star!! While driving and pondering over these ridiculous times in my childhood I was listening to Shania's Any Man of Mine and suddenly I realized, I've deprived this world of what could have been the best talent ever, ME!! :)... Now, maybe the windows were rolled up and the radio at full blast but still, I SOUNDED GOOD!! Funny thing happened though, as soon as I turned the radio down my hearing went bad because I just didn't sound the same..hmmmmm....
Monday, January 7, 2008
Not as easy as I thought

Now that the hustle and bustle of Christmas has passed I can go over what happened. Josh had his graduation luncheon on 12/14/07...it went well. It was, in my humble opinion, a little too casual. There was really no formal recognition of the kids and their hard work...just some introductions and some Subway and just like that, it was over. Then we had Jared's birthday on the 15th...he turned 8. On the 20th, we had our Wright/Fitzgerald Christmas Party. It was great!! A ton of people and a ton of food!! What more can a Wright ask for??? Then, of course, we had Christmas and 2 days later my parents got here. Two days after that our best friends from California came in, Jared was baptized, and we threw Josh his going away/graduation party(I would never suggest doing all of that in one day to anyone). Two days later, on the 31st, was New Years Eve where my mother and I spent all day making tamales, our friends left, and we rung in the New Year with My parents and Josh's girlfriend, Michelle. Josh was scheduled to leave on the 2nd but his recruiter called and said that it had been postponed to the 3rd and to enjoy one more day with Josh.
On the 3rd, at 5am, in the blink of an eye, my Josh was gone. His recruiter came to the door, allowed enough time for Josh to hug his grandparents, Steve, and I only once and out the door they went. I mean, we didn't really have time for tears or sadness. I felt somewhat guilty. I didn't cry and I didn't really feel that sad. I went back to bed and an hour later was up with the other kids for their 1st day back to school. This was also my first day back to work. It was a really busy day for me. The following day, Friday, was my parents last day here and my mom and I did lots of shopping and running around. That night, my brother came over to say bye to my parents. He asked if I was doing okay with Josh being gone and much to my surprise, I was.
My parents left early Saturday morning. They didn't wake me to say goodbye...just up and left. When I finally decided to open my eyes, it was about 10:15. The kids and I did some chores and Steve sent me to Costco for some new phones. It was a really mellow, relaxing, peaceful day. I thought I could use some alone time as my life had been inundated with people for the past 2 weeks so off to Costco I went. It was in the Costco parking lot as I parked my car, alone, with no one to keep my mind off of it, that it hit me....MY BABY IS GONE!!! For the next 6 months, I won't have my Josh. He is my biggest headache and my biggest helper; my worst complainer and my best alarm clock. He truly is my buddy. For those of you that know me well, and those of you that don't, I fall under the statistic of "Babies having babies". We grew up together!! Josh has been in my life longer than most anyone I know, including my hubby!! Everything that I have been thru as an adult, Josh has been thru with me. We have talked, cried, and laughed together for the past 17 and a half years AND right there in the Costco parking lot, I lost it!! It happened 2 more times that day while talking with friends (sorry Chandra, sorry Lori). I'm a wreck!! What am I doing??? Wrights aren't supposed to cry!!
The house is so much different without a loud, smart allic, teenager. Even the younger ones have noticed. I think everyone is really missing him. Today, we all had dinner and by 7:00 2 of the kids were sleeping. Justin being one of them. Jared was not far behind and Steph was pretty quiet. The Wright house that everyone knows and loves is just not the same. This won't be as easy as I thought.
On the 3rd, at 5am, in the blink of an eye, my Josh was gone. His recruiter came to the door, allowed enough time for Josh to hug his grandparents, Steve, and I only once and out the door they went. I mean, we didn't really have time for tears or sadness. I felt somewhat guilty. I didn't cry and I didn't really feel that sad. I went back to bed and an hour later was up with the other kids for their 1st day back to school. This was also my first day back to work. It was a really busy day for me. The following day, Friday, was my parents last day here and my mom and I did lots of shopping and running around. That night, my brother came over to say bye to my parents. He asked if I was doing okay with Josh being gone and much to my surprise, I was.
My parents left early Saturday morning. They didn't wake me to say goodbye...just up and left. When I finally decided to open my eyes, it was about 10:15. The kids and I did some chores and Steve sent me to Costco for some new phones. It was a really mellow, relaxing, peaceful day. I thought I could use some alone time as my life had been inundated with people for the past 2 weeks so off to Costco I went. It was in the Costco parking lot as I parked my car, alone, with no one to keep my mind off of it, that it hit me....MY BABY IS GONE!!! For the next 6 months, I won't have my Josh. He is my biggest headache and my biggest helper; my worst complainer and my best alarm clock. He truly is my buddy. For those of you that know me well, and those of you that don't, I fall under the statistic of "Babies having babies". We grew up together!! Josh has been in my life longer than most anyone I know, including my hubby!! Everything that I have been thru as an adult, Josh has been thru with me. We have talked, cried, and laughed together for the past 17 and a half years AND right there in the Costco parking lot, I lost it!! It happened 2 more times that day while talking with friends (sorry Chandra, sorry Lori). I'm a wreck!! What am I doing??? Wrights aren't supposed to cry!!
The house is so much different without a loud, smart allic, teenager. Even the younger ones have noticed. I think everyone is really missing him. Today, we all had dinner and by 7:00 2 of the kids were sleeping. Justin being one of them. Jared was not far behind and Steph was pretty quiet. The Wright house that everyone knows and loves is just not the same. This won't be as easy as I thought.
It's all new to me!!
This whole blog thing is new to me. I just discovered it today. I had actually read a friend of mines a few weeks back but I was quickly distracted by one of my kiddos and unable to read it. So today an acquaintence of mine gave me her blog address and I loved it!! I knew no one she spoke of or anyone that replied to her posts but I liked the thought of spilling your guts about whatever you want and inviting people to read it and reply to it. The only problem I foresee here is not being able to hold my tongue and ticking someone off. Oh well, I'll deal with that if and when it happens.
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