Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Look what I learned today

The following information was found on Normal Mormon Husbands blog...Approximately 97% of all Mormon women between the ages of 16 and 42 have read Sister Meyer's books (the Twilight series) and I'm guessing that 92% of them wish their husbands/boyfriends were more like Edward or Jacob in some way. The other 8% have a crush on either Jack, Sayeed, or Sawyer from Lost.
You learn something new every day!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That information is not correct. It is only 11.8% that wish their husbands were like Edward or Jacob. 0.8% have a crush on Jack Sayeed or Sawyer from lost. All the rest 88% have a crush on yup you guessed it YOUR HUSBAND!!!! STEVE WRIGHT.